The Contagion of Hope

Edizione in lingua inglese

A cura di Eugenio Dal Pane

Prefazione di Giovanni Mosciatti


The words with which Pope Francis illuminated this dark time

The selected discourses in this book, among the most significant of Pope Francis’–from the extraordinary moment of prayer to the homily of Palm Sunday, Easter Vigil and a few daily masses at Santa Marta–are introduced and commented on by Eugenio dal Pane.

While the tempest of the pandemic was raging in the world, Pope Francis listened to the cry of humanity–“Lord, save us!”–and responded by directing this cry to the question of Jesus: “Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?”
Since that evening in St. Peter’s Square, many began to listen to this man who is deeply involved in and moved by the suffering of people, families and peoples. They were struck by his actions and words, his silences and his prayer.
In this strange time, full of uncertainty, fear and death, the Easter proclamation, “Christ died and is risen”, has resounded as the sole foundation of certain hope, as it does not eliminate problems, but allows us to not succumb to their weight and gives us space to breathe.
This book is a collection of the words by the Pope that have brightened this time of darkness. We hope that these words may accompany us on the long road of reconstruction that awaits us.
We are just like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, who were feeling sad, discouraged and hopeless, until one came to their side and, by making their heart burn, helped them find their way again.
What we see in this episode demonstrates the most essential task we have: to spread the contagion of hope. 

In this night, the Church’s voice rings out:
“Christ, my hope, has arisen!”
This is a different “contagion”, a message transmitted from heart to heart–
for every human heart awaits this Good News.
It is the contagion of hope.


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